Saturday, February 16, 2008


Still no clear direction

Well the IBD 100 list has highlighted a few stocks that could be in a buyable range. But they're still very cautious about the market.

The market still could go either way. I'm still finding it difficult to hold short term trades for more than a day. The moves are too volatile for me to handle.

Here are a few charts that I'll be watching... US Markets will be closed on Monday for President's Day.

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nice charts. still too tough for me to trade with any conviction though. i've been watching but not doing much trading lately. in fact in my RothIRA i did something i have never done in that account; bought a mutual fund (NARFX). i made a sample watch list last week, 3 long & 3 short. can you believe that i was on the wrong side of each and every one of them!? good thing it was just a 'watch list' and not a bet.

well i'll be watching & waiting for something to happen before i commit any money.

Yep, that's a smart thing to do. If you're not sure of what the market will do next, it's better to stay out.
Let me know if you spot any good charts out there.
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